LFA Lets Build – Unchartered Territory
8th June 2023 @ 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
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As part of the London Festival of Architecture, Lets Build bring to you live in-person events.
Annette Fisher will moderate and host this event which will include a Pecha Kucha style debate with 7 diverse panelists from the industry. Pecha Kucha celebrates people, passion, and creativity through storytelling. It is a way to communicate and connect with others visually, concisely, and memorably. Through inclusive social engagement and technology, it redefines authentic human connectivity
Construction professionals from different backgrounds are challenging the concept of in common on both a literal and metaphorical level. Exploring similarities and differences between them. Is there a greater degree of similarity between them than difference?
The theme is explored through the lens of “uncharted territory” to find opportunities that can transcend traditional barriers that impede construction success.
- This event has passed.