Build Studios was transformed this week with our new in-office plants, which have been locally sourced from the Travel Cafe in Waterloo! Members have responded extremely positively to the new addition of plants to the space and have commented on how the office feels more lively, ‘cared for’, and colourful.
In numerous studies, increasing the amount of greenery in an office has been found to offer many benefits to workers – proven impacts include a reduction in stress, an improvement in productivity, fewer incidents of absenteeism, and cleaner air. These findings come as no surprise to proponents of biophilia, which is a theory based on the belief that humans instinctively respond positively to nature. The theory has been influential in directing a recent trend towards the design of greener and less sterile office environments. Biophilic design seeks to bring elements of the outside world into the office, with the intention of creating a more pleasant place to work. With reports stating that the presence of plants in a workspace can increase occupants’ feeling of wellbeing by 40%, it is clear that this attention to natural design is having powerful results on the attitudes of workers. In such a central location such as Build Studios, we are looking forward to seeing the positive results of our new planting scheme in our co-working space.